Short Quotes
Why is it that quotes are taking over the world? You can see quotes everywhere. They’re all over on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Creative people turned them into a profitable business in the form of decals, wall arts and t-shirt designs.
Quotes are relatable. There’s always a quote that you can relate to at a given time or situation.
Quotes can be a source of inspiration and motivation.
Positive quotes can uplift your mood so I recommend reading few uplifting quotes in the morning and at night or whenever you have free time.
Quotes can be a source of wisdom.
Quotes are easy to understand and easy to remember.
And what I really like about quotes the most is that quotes make me feel I am not alone in whatever it is I am going through. That whoever wrote the quote also went through the same thing, got through it and now wanted to help others through written quotes.
I wanted to share some of the quotes that I hope you’ll find relatable, full of wisdom and inspiring. I made them so they can be printed. Please feel free to download and print them.
Printable Quotes
1. Women Empowerment Quotes
2. Having a bad day?

3. Bible Quotes
Remember, you are beautiful!

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