10 Cute Dollar Tree Items

I hate to be the one to say this but Target Store has a rival now when it comes to cute items. Target is notorious for selling items that you don’t really need but they’re so cute they leave you defenseless. And before you know it, you’re already formulating some lame excuses why you have to purchase them.

But lately I find myself checking out Dollar Store before considering going to Target. Read more if you want to find out why.

1. Dollar Tree Desk Accent


Can you believe these accents only cost a dollar? Including this hashtag decor which is so popular nowadays. Anyone would wonder if Dollar Tree is competing with Target now?

2. Dollar Tree Prayer Box

Whenever I would give gift money or gift card to my nieces, I would make a trip to Dollar Store and get this $1 prayer box. I use this to put the money or gift card inside. I prefer this instead of using Greeting card for the obvious reason that greeting cards tend to get thrown away (or kept in a drawer) after serving its purpose. Unlike this prayer box which comes with tiny notepad and pencil that can be used everyday. I am still in awe every time I buy a prayer box. How can this cute multipurpose product just cost $1? (P.S. I am not complaining about the price though).

Dollar Tree Prayer Box
Let all that you do be done in love – I love this Bible verse and I love this prayer box

3. Dollar Tree Cute Trinkets Holder

These item can serve two purposes – one as a decor and another one is to hold your cute little trinkets like rings or earrings that you use often (if not everyday). And it will only cost you a dollar.

Dollar Tree Cute Trinkets Holder
Cute Trinkets Holder

4. Dollar Tree Cute Band Aids

According to Wikipedia, a band aid is a small medical dressing used for injuries not serious enough to require a full size bandage. I agree, don’t take this kind of injury seriously but you have to take good care of it. And while you’re at it why not express yourself and your personality through these cutely designed band aids? And did I mention that it will only cost you a dollar to express yourself?

Express your emotions through emoticons band aid for only one dollar

5. Dollar Tree Cute Magnets

I never thought of adorning my fridge with magnets other than travel magnets I’ve acquired until I saw these cute magnets from Dollar Tree with either funny or inspiring quotes. This is a game changer! Watch out travel magnets in my fridge, you’re getting cute roomies.

Dollar Tree Cute Fridge Magnets
Be magnetized with this One Dollar magnets

6. Dollar Tree Wall Decals

Have a boring empty wall? Try these decals from Dollar Tree to liven it up.

Dollar Tree Cute Wall Decals
Stick them on the Wall

7. Dollar Tree Wall Art/Wall Frames

Whether you’re a cat lover, dog lover or an art lover – these frames are for you.

Dollar Tree Cute Wall Art
Wall Art for Lovers

8. Dollar Tree Artificial Succulents

According to Wikipedia, succulents are often grown as ornamental plants because of their striking and unusual appearance, as well as their ability to thrive with relatively minimal care. But you know what’s striking that requires not just minimal care but no care at all? Artificial succulent plants. And you know what’s even better? The price! It’s only for a dollar.

Dollar Tree Succulents
Dollar Tree No Care Plants

9. Dollar Tree Small Jewelry Holder

Similar to item 3, these items are for holding small jewelries like rings, earrings and bracelets. Don’t you find the cat so cute? I use its tail to hold my rings.

Dollar Tree Cute Jewelry Holder
Jewelry Holder

10. Dollar Tree Macaron Shaped Something

Pardon the title. I actually don’t know what it’s called but it is so darn cute. Similar to prayer box (mentioned as item no. 2), I use this in lieu of greeting card or money envelope. Look how detailed this item is.

Dollar Tree Cute Macaron Shaped
For macaron lovers

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. I hope you find this useful and interesting. I hope that when you get the itch to go to Target to search for something cute that you’ll consider taking a trip to Dollar Tree. You’ll find there are cute stuff that don’t cost a ton.

If and when you do, please comment below. Let me know what you find cute and not cute at all. Promise, no feelings will be hurt with your honesty.

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