Just another “about me” page

You know that feeling when you’re in love, you’re so happy you want to shout it out and let the whole world know? I get the same feeling but not because I am in love  but because I scored a great deal  and I’m so happy I want people to know. 

Let me rewind…

I’m a recovering self confessed shopaholic. During my shopaholic phase, I live by the following:

Motto: Shop ’til you drop, You deserve this!, You deserve only the best, You only live once buy the shoes (and while you’re at it, buy the matching bag too)

Workout: Walking (inside a mall)

Favorite Movie: Confessions of a Shopaholic

Savings: $0

Emotional State: Happy!

I remember back then how these things  gave me a “high”. It felt like I was walking on pink cloud every time. 

I used to live in a posh neighborhood in Downtown Chicago where malls, boutiques and restaurants are just a few steps away. You see, I had no excuse not to spend money…everyday. I mean, how could I not? But you know life happens (or not) and with $0 savings in the bank, I had to move to the suburbs and realized a lot of things.

Fast forward…

Nowadays, I still get the same “high” but not from purchasing something anymore but from finding that great bargain and being able to spend  the least amount of money possible without compromising the quality of the product I purchase. I realize I can still buy things and enjoy finer things in life without sacrificing my savings account. I practice waiting a few months before purchasing something expensive because I know most of the time, good things happen to those who wait. When I enter a store I go straight to the area where all sale and clearance items are located (usually in the back). I enjoy online purchasing because I can open several tabs in my browser to compare prices among online stores. I enjoy the process of hunting for deals, sales, cheap plane tickets and budget  accommodations.

I take a sense of pride in being able to do all these things now. Whenever I’d score a great bargain I’d always want to share it with family and friends so they too could get that great deal. But sharing it with few people no longer satisfies me. I want more people  to know because as we all know sharing is caring, hence, the birth of this blog. In this platform,  I hope that by sharing all the  awesome deals  I find with awesome people like you will help you stay awesome without breaking the bank. I will do the legwork, do some research and try on products so you won’t have to. I will share all my great finds and preferences. By blogging, I aim to have a symbiotic relationship with you  wherein both of us will benefit from this. You get to be an informed buyer and I get to openly brag about my ability to hunt and find a good deal. It’s a win-win, right?

Welcome to my blog! Happy reading.

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